by Kim Harris | Jun 25, 2015 | Business Tips, Management Tips
Cool Tech Tools: Customer Portals If you have a business where you have to send documents of any kind to your customers, then you may benefit from a portal. You can save time on customer service and possibly postage and labor. You will also look most professional...
by Kim Harris | Jun 11, 2015 | Business Tips
If you need cash fast, there’s nothing like having a sale to increase your bank account quickly. Here are ten excuses you can use to tell your customers you’re having a sale. 1- It’s Your Birthday (or Your Business’s Birthday) We all feel generous on our...
by Kim Harris | May 28, 2015 | Business Development
Do you have employees who need to work together as a team? Or perhaps you need to work as a team with your customers and vendors. When people of different backgrounds get together for a common goal, there are often four stages they go through before they become a...
by Kim Harris | May 14, 2015 | Management Tips, Profitability Tips
A great way to speed up your cash flow is to get paid faster by customers who owe you money. One way to do that is to examine your payment terms to see if you can accelerate them. First let’s talk about what payment terms are common. Then I’ll share a study that...
by Kim Harris | Apr 30, 2015 | Business Development
Older marketing methods like direct mail and cold calling just don’t work as effectively as they did a few decades ago. There are two reasons for that: The trust level between people has dropped more than 20 percentage points in the last few years; people are more...